Law Quiz 4 – Legal Aptitude Test | Lawyers Troop

There are four options given to each question, make sure to attend all of them and get your results at the end of this Legal Quiz. 1 min

Law Quiz – 4

This is the fourth round of our Legal quiz series and similar to our 123 rounds

This Law Quiz likewise contains 10 Basic Questions of law to test your Legal knowledge.

There are four options given to each question, make sure to attend all of them and get your results at the end of this Legal Quiz.

Before you begin here is some motivation in the words of Anne Baxter

I wasn’t afraid to fail. Something good always comes out of failure.

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Let’s begin

  1. 1 The word "white Collar crimes" relates to

    1. Sedition
    2. Economic crimes
    3. Terrorism
    4. Collective crimes

    The Answer is : Economic crimes

  2. 2 Can the fundamental rights be amended ?

    1. Always
    2. Never
    3. Yes. with the unanimous vote of the members of parliament
    4. Can be amended without disturbing the basic structure of the Constitution.

    The Answer is : Can be amended without disturbing the basic structure of the Constitution.

  3. 3 Courts cannot enforce

    1. Legal rights
    2. Moral obligations
    3. Legal duties
    4. Fundamental duties

    The Answer is : Moral obligations

  4. 4 Which of the following is not an offence under the law on prohibition of dowry

    1. Receiving traditional presents
    2. Offering dowry
    3. Taking dowry
    4. Demanding dowry

    The Answer is : Receiving traditional presents

  5. 5 Right to clean environment is provided in which article of the Constitution of India

    1. 19
    2. 20
    3. 21(A)
    4. 22

    The Answer is : 21(A)

  6. 6 What is cognizable offence?

    1. An offence for which the arrest can be made without a warrant
    2. An offence for which arrest can be made with a warrant
    3. Offence in a very high degree
    4. Private offence

    The Answer is : An offence for which the arrest can be made without a warrant

  7. 7 Anticipatory bail is granted by

    1. The Court of Sessions
    2. The High Court and Sessions Court
    3. The Court of Magistrate
    4. District Court

    The Answer is : The High Court and Sessions Court

  8. 8 Which article of the constitution empowers the Parliament to amend the constitution

    1. Article 352
    2. Article 368
    3. Article 324
    4. Article 356

    The Answer is : Article 368

  9. 9 The act of unlawful entry into another property is

    1. Breach of property
    2. Trespass
    3. Trover
    4. Sovereign act

    The Answer is : Trespass

  10. 10 A Furious dog of 'X' is taken for walking in a street by 'Y', his servant. while walking the dog runs out of control and bytes 'Z'. 'Z' Seeks remedy.

    1. 'Y' is liable to compensate
    2. 'X' is liable to compensate
    3. 'Z' is liable to compensate
    4. none of the above

    The Answer is : 'X' is liable to compensate

Law Quiz 4 - Legal Aptitude Test | Lawyers Troop

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Shazayb Tanveer

Advocate Madras High Court, Founder of Lawyers Troop.

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