This Law Quiz contains 10 Basic Questions of law to test your Legal knowledge, Make sure to attend them all and get your results at the end of this Legal Quiz.
Before you start here is some motivation in the words of Mr. Winston Churchill.
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
1 Impeachment proceedings against the president for violation of the Constitution can be initiated in ?
The LokSabha
The RajyaSabha
Either House of Parliament
The Supreme Court
Correct!Wrong!The answer is : Either House of Parliament
2 Writ of Habeas Corpus is issued to
Release a person from wrongful detention
To compensate the victim
Get the public duty done
Remove the body
Correct!Wrong!The answer is : To release a person from wrongful detention
3 Writ of habeas corpus is a/an ?
Constitutional remedy
Legislative remedy
Executive remedy
Quasi-judicial remedy
Correct!Wrong!The answer is : Constitutional remedy
4 The writ by which the High Court or the Supreme Court can secure the body of a person who has been imprisoned to be brought before it is
Habeas Corpus
Quo Warranto
Correct!Wrong!The answer is : Habeas Corpus
5 What it is a caveat?
A Warning
An Injunction
Correct!Wrong!The answer is : A Warning
6 The 'Rule of Law' is propounded by:
Black Stone
Albert Dicey
Justice Krishna Iyer
Correct!Wrong!The answer is : Albert Dicey
7 Which one is not negotiable instrument?
Promissory Note
Bill of Exchange
Correct!Wrong!The answer is : Will
8 Jurisprudence means
Knowledge of Science
Knowledge of society
knowledge of country
knowledge of law
Correct!Wrong!The answer is : Knowledge of law
9 Murder is defined under which Section of IPC ?
Section 302
Section 300
Section 299
Section 303
Correct!Wrong!The answer is : Section 300
10 Law Reforms in India is done by
Bar council
law Reform Commission
Pay Commission
Law Commission
Correct!Wrong!The answer is : Law Commission
Legal Quiz - Test Your Legal Knowledge | Lawyers Troop
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