Law Quiz-6 | Law Quiz On Women Rights

1 min

This Quiz is submitted by Rhea Bazaz Legal content writer at Lawyers Troop

One way of judging the progression of a society is to see the position of its women.

The judgments and legislations coming in place help to give a glimpse on this position.

This quiz has 10 basic questions on the provisions and cases pertaining to women.

You have four options out of which you have to choose any one.

  1. 1 What was held in the case of ‘Independent Thought v. Union of India’ (2017)?

    1. Asking old parents to separate from their sons is cruelty.
    2. Sexual intercourse with a wife aged below 18 years is rape.
    3. Guidelines were passed to prevent sexual harassment at the workplace.
    4. Privacy of sexual assault victims was mandated.

    The Answer is: Sexual intercourse with a wife aged below 18 years is rape.

  2. 2 When was the ‘Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act’ passed?

    1. 2011
    2. 2010
    3. 2012
    4. 2013

    The Answer is: 2013

  3. 3 How many weeks of maternity leave is a working woman entitled to according to the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017?

    1. 12 weeks
    2. 6 weeks
    3. 26 weeks
    4. 54 weeks

    The Answer is: 26 weeks

  4. 4 Which of the following is not true regarding investigation of sexual offences?

    1. The two-finger test has been banned in India.
    2. The defense is allowed to use the character of the victim as evidence.
    3. If the victim was intoxicated, her consent would not be counted
    4. The accused cannot use intoxication as defense.

    The Answer is: The defense is allowed to use the character of the victim as evidence.

  5. 5 What was held in the case of ‘Sarla Mudgal v. Union of India (1995)’?

    1. It mandated in-camera trials for minor victims of sexual assault.
    2. It took a stand against the practice of converting to Islam and conducting bigamy.
    3. It allowed Muslim women the right to alimony.
    4. It mandated the use of SAFE kits in cases of rape.

    The Answer is: It took a stand against the practice of converting to Islam and conducting bigamy.

  6. 6 What was held in the landmark case of ‘Joseph Shine v. Union of India’?

    1. It struck down Section 497 of the IPC as unconstitutional.
    2. It elaborated on the rights of sex workers.
    3. It allowed a minor girl to abort a fetus way beyond the limitation period.
    4. It allowed women the right to enter the Sabarimala Temple.

    The Answer is: It struck down Section 497 of the IPC as unconstitutional.

  7. 7 Why was the judgment of ‘Bhaskar Das v. Renu Das (2020)’ so controversial?

    1. A rape victim had been arrested for ‘disrupting court proceedings’ when she broke down in court.
    2. A rape victim was told that she had not resisted enough.
    3. The judgment stated that the woman had no intention of staying married because she refused to apply sindoor.
    4. A woman was told to compromise with her husband.

    The Answer is: The judgment stated that the woman had no intention of staying married because she refused to apply sindoor.

  8. 8 Which case dealt with the matter of custodial rape in proper detail?

    1. Tukaram v. State of Maharashtra
    2. Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan
    3. Mukesh v. State
    4. Aruna Shanbag v. Union of India

    The Answer is: Tukaram v. State of Maharashtra

  9. 9 In which case did the Supreme Court decide that ‘Triple Talaq’ is not an essential religious practice?

    1. Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum
    2. Daniel Latifi v. Union of India
    3. Ahmedabad Women Action Group v. Union of India
    4. Shayara Banov. Union of India

    The Answer is: Shayara Banov. Union of India

  10. 10 In which case was Section 498-A IPC introduced?

    1. Kans Raj Singh v. State of Punjab
    2. Arnesh Kumar v. State of Bihar
    3. Satyanandanam v. Public Prosecutor
    4. Rameshwar Das v. State of Punjab

    The Answer is: Arnesh Kumar v. State of Bihar

Law Quiz-6 | Law Quiz On Women Rights

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